
之前有參加Kperformance Supporters 讓歪果朋友可以看各種韓國音樂劇表演和各種活動的組織, 我忙到沒看過任何一場音樂劇T T, 這次KTO帶我們去 High 1 resort 做最後一次的, 兩天一夜的滑雪!! 終於有空參加了讓我悲哀忙碌的留學生涯中多了一個小確幸 ♥ 

I signed up for this Kperformance Supporters group last year, which gives foreiners chances to watch various musicals, shows and all kind of events. This time KTO took us to high 1 resort for "High 1 Snow Tube Festival & 'Thank you, 3rd K-Supporters!' Party"!!!! Finally some fun time in my miserable, busy life of studying abroad  ♥ 

1/23號早上從KTO本部出發 搭了三個小時的車到了江原道, 首爾的雪幾乎都融光了說, 但是這邊的雪還是有厚度, 在陽光底下亮晶晶的 害我好想下車把它吃掉(?) 短暫的吃了午餐之後, 就準備去玩snow tube和滑雪溜~~~~~

We left KTO building for gangwon province, took us 3 hours on the bus to get there. Snow in Seoul is mostly melted but in gangwon province, it's still pretty thick.  It shines and sparkles under the sun, so beautiful I feel like to eat it...(?) After a short but enjoyable lunch, we head for snow tube festival and skiing ~~~

snow tube其實就是像游泳圈的東西坐在上面滑雪啦!! KTO弄了一個比賽, 我只是很興奮的想要玩, 沒注意到輸了第一輪=不能晉級=不能繼續玩得這個事實 就這樣只玩了練習賽一趟 和初賽就華 麗 麗 出 場 啦~~~QQ 接著snow tube比賽就是金蕾滑雪初體驗囉!! 原來不想滑雪的, 一來不喜歡運動= = 二來怕摔跤= = 但是想說來都來了 又有老師教 不然就玩個經驗感覺也好 殊不知!!!!!! 超好玩的耶!!!!! 後來要集合了 我還盧著導遊再讓我玩最後一輪XDD 而且我都沒摔倒溜~(驕傲的咧

a snow tube is something like a swimming tube, only you sit on it to slide down snow. KTO made a compitition out of it. I was just to excited to have fun, didn't notice I don't get to play no more if I lose the first round :( but I wasn't disappointed for too long, soon came to skiing!!!!!! For the first time IN MA LIFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! To be honest I didn't even want to try skiing at first. I never liked any sports in the first place and what if I fall down and broke my nose or something?? But second thought I decide to give it a try and I DID NOT REGRET IT !!!!!!!!! It was fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I keep begging our guide for a one last time and the best part is I broke nothing! I didn't fall down, not for once!!! kkkkkkkkkk


接下來去吃BUFFET晚餐 各種肉, 不只是各種肉, 是各種神好吃到升天的肉!!!!! 吃完晚餐有一個小小的舞蹈表演 因為自己也當過表演者 所以就很熱情的給他們回應
想不到我就被Q上台了orz 不是我在說 要我跳舞 你放阿里郎我要怎麼發揮嘛?!(好像其他音樂我就會跳一樣) 總之是個難忘又開心的夜晚 連後面參加心酸的top15 Kperformance Supporters 頒獎典禮 我都開勳盡責的繼續拍手(一個促進血液循環的概念) 

Finally, DINNER TIME!!!!!!!!!! It's not just lots of meet in the buffet, it's lots of meets so good you want to eat up even the spoon too!!!!!!!! After dinner there was this dancing show. I tried my best to show my surpport, guess that's why I got picked to go on stage ...God knows how should I dance to the musicArirang, still it was a memorable night :) 

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然後終於是自己的時間了!!! 這次出來大家都是歪果人 不像韓國人一樣聚著喝酒(不管怎樣一定要記得靠北韓國人這樣) 所以有自己的自由時間 和我的新朋友決定探索一下high 1 hotel 然後發現 根本沒啥好探索的= = 

After a long day, finally got my private time!! Guess it's because we are all foreigners and no koreans, we don't have to stay up and drink all night(haha) My new friends and I decided to explore high 1 hotel only to fing out there not much to see= =

high 1 resort是一個複合式的度假場地 有滑雪場, 各種hotel(?), 還有一個賭場喔!!!!!附圖一張

high 1 resort is a resort with skiing resort, hotels and a casino!!!!

由於這個度假場地很大, 來往都是靠接駁車. 原來我和我的小伙伴們想要去看一下韓國賭場長的什麼樣, 屁顛屁顛地搭了20分鐘的接駁車到了賭場才發現, 沒帶證件 呵呵^ ^ 只好怒回我一個人住的精美雙人房. 很幸運被分到有落地窗的房間 落地窗的寬度根本比我現在住的考試院還寬 誇張美麗到有剩. 原來還想怒泡泡泡浴的 但是high 1 的沐浴乳都搓不出泡泡QQ 總之原來想說早點回房可以早點睡 但我一個人還是有辦法玩到半夜兩點 有時候我自己都受不了自己射手座一個人也可以玩得很開心的個性(好啦這句是在炫耀無誤)

High 1 resort is pretty big, we need shuttle bus to take us here and there. We wanted to check the casino out, it's not like you get to see a casino all the time. Took 20 min by bus to the casino and find out we didn't bring our ID with I returned to the twin room of my own, it's bigger then the dorm room I live in right now. Took a bubble bath with no bubble. I could have slept earlier but enjoy being alone a bit too much and end up going to bed at 2= =

隔天早上被飯店的morning call叫醒 原來想睡晚一點的耶T T 認命的爬起床去吃早餐, 早餐超棒 有麥片,吐司各種水果 默默的就吃了三盤 走之前還硬是再帶走兩瓶養樂多 我根本神豬無誤阿!! 

Woke up by the morning call next morning.. wish I could have slept more QQ But I got to have a divine breakfast, finished whole 3 plates and left with 2 bottles of Yakult with me. Yes I am a pig. kkkkkkk 


寒冷的早上被拖去騎鐵軌協力腳踏車 原本以為會需要壯漢 但是想不到我自己也可以HOLD住全場(才不是, 因為是鐵軌 騎一騎就會自己滑 騎七公里也沒有累的感覺說~~~~~~~ 最後 吃完全素的山菜大餐(韓國導遊說這個山菜很貴溜 所以要說大餐) 就回到首爾囉~~~~~ 

Then we want rail-biking in the freezing morning. Thought I would need a man with rail bike but we girls done it all on our own, with out no man. (it does took much effort to ride it though... you paddle for a bit and it slides on it own kkkkkk) We had wild vegetable for lunch(according to our guide, it's pretty expensive too ) Finally finally finally, it's home sweet home after our vegetarian lunch~

這次活動做了很多以前沒做過的事, 交了各國的朋友 又吃了沒吃過的山菜 感覺就是收穫豐富的兩天一夜 謝謝KTO 拜託讓我參加第四期Kperformance Supporters好嘛? ♥

It was 2 amazing days. I've tried so many things I'd never tried before, made friends from all over the world and ate wild veggies which taste not too bad. That made these 2 days so meaningful.. Thank you KTO!!!!! ^ ^ LET ME JOIN YOU AS 4TH K-SURPPORTERS PLEASEEEEEE?? ^ ^

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